Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Adronicus Mastiffs and Adronicus Type Mastiffs - Page 1 of 2
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a Silver Fawn female Adronicus Mastiff Puppy
and"Harleigh" a Cream Colored female Saint Bernard
Puppy with their new Sister
"Baby" poses with another new Sister
"Argo" a Black male Adronicus Mastiff Puppy
patiently awaits finding a new home and a new Family
"Argo" gets a new Mom, Dad, and kid Great Dane Sister
"Argo" makes himself 'at home' in his new digs
"Argo" pays close attention
"Miss Layla Ali"
another Black Adronicus Mastiff Puppy
rests on her
'Oh so comfy' pillows
in her new home - she is thrilled to have a new Family!
"Miss Layla Ali" cuddles with her new Mom
and her
new Doberman Brothers
(at 6 months old, she is already bigger than her grown Doberman Brothers)
More Of Your Emails, More Of Your Letters, and More Of Your Photos
Family Portrait
"Sampson" Robert and Christian (and gerbil)
"Madonna" (being fostered) "Sampson" Sara and Christian
(framed photo)
Dear Tracy,
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to adopt "Sampson" the Adronicus Mastiff.
His radiant personality is all we could ever ask for in a dog.
He is strong yet gentle, protective yet loving, and as playful as a young pup.
After losing our beautiful Neopolitan "Chopper" we were devastated.
I became more devastated after talking to Burt and learned there could have been help for him from your rescue.
After losing him, my husband needed to fill that void and that is when I found Gentle Giants.
We immediately made the trip to Norco where we feel in love with this charming young buck named "Sampson."
He caught the attention of my husband, Robert, when he was the only dog to come up to him first (not me or the 3 year old), and not only that he basically got into his lap.
With his eyes he said, "You may not know it yet, but I will be coming home with you tonight!"
After seeing many other dogs, "Sampson" came home riding in the front seat on my lap the whole way.
I know now that the lap of a person is his favorite place to be.
If you sit in our house, you will sit with 150 lbs. of dear "Sampson" right on top of you.
Now, for all the wacky things this Gentle Giant does.
If you have ever had a cat, you know what I am talking about.
Late in the evening, my "Sampson" gets this burst of energy and my whole house turns into a track.
The dog races around the house, over the couch tipping over the recliner and he does this about 10 times.
We have to hide in the corner of the living room where we sit and laugh with amazement.
He is not small by any means.
We cannot go anywhere with him without him becoming the center of attention.
He is so magnificent that people just can't get enough of him.
They will make comments like, "That is the biggest boxer I have ever seen!" (he is not even close to looking like a Boxer, of course).
Or, "I have always wanted a Bullmastiff. My friend has one just like him."
(Well, I hate to break the news to you, but he is not a Bullmastiff, and he really doesn't look like one).
I end up getting in very long conversations trying to explain to them what he really is.
This can get quite tricky since he could be a cross between many different things.
I usually just say a rare breed a man came up with and I am very fortunate he did.
My husband is a snorer, but now he has competition.
"Sampson" snores so loud that it even wakes up my snoring husband in disbelief.
It is so loud.
This is our "Sampson" and we feel very fortunate to have found him.
Tracy and Burt, you really have done such a wonderful thing with these dogs.
They are all so lucky to have you as Guardian Angels.
We look forward to when we will be up there adopting our next Gentle Giant from you.
Thanks a bunch,
The Hosleys

"Madonna" "Sable" Christian, Sara and "Sampson"
Hello Tracy,
It's Sara.
Well, we all made it home safe and sound.
She is quite amazing.
"Madonna" came in the house, and within the 1st hour she knew her way around.
We have already had one lady come over and see her about possibly adopting.
She said she would have to really take a good look at her house and because of the dogs needs she would have to really be sure with every aspect.
Well talk to you soon.
I will get on the ball and send you a letter about "Sampson" real soon.
Thanks for all you do,
Sara, Robert and Christian
P.S. My husband thinks "Madonna" is gorgeous.
It has been our first full day with "Madonna."
She is wonderful.
We went for a walk on the beach, and this evening she went for a walk with "Sampson" and "Sable" in the park.
It is incredible how she was able to use the other dogs to her advantage.
She would put herself right between them and trust them with everything she's got.
She and "Sampson" got really playful tonight and they were chasing and jumping just as "Sampson" does on a regular basis.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to foster her, she is such a doll.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
The Hosleys
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Adronicus Mastiffs and Adronicus Type Mastiffs - Page 1 of 2
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