Wednesday, March 26, 2025 5:59:53 pm

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Burt Ward

Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Rescue: How Innocent Lives Are Saved

This Great Dane was turned into a shelter by her owner who hit hard times, was sadly unable to keep her, and did not know about bringing her to our rescue. 

She looks pretty miserable and lost in this cage. 

She also got sick prior to being taken out by us and was injured by another dog in the cage with her. Owners should realize that there are breed rescues like us that will take their dogs, so they don’t have to go through this horrible and frightening experience. We will take every Great Dane, Borzoi, English Mastiff, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, American Mastiff, Adronicus Mastiff, South African Boerboel Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiff, Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, Leonberger, Whippet, Silken Windhound, Italian Greyhound, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Xoloitzcuintle, and Chinese Crested, and find it a wonderful, loving, qualified home as an inside member of the family!

Please email us if you have to give up a Great Dane, Borzoi, English Mastiff, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, American Mastiff, Adronicus Mastiff, South African Boerboel Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiff, Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, Leonberger, Whippet, Silken Windhound, Italian Greyhound, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Xoloitzcuintle, or a Chinese Crested, so they do not have to risk illness or injury in a shelter and even possible death, if they are put down without a rescue being informed.

We work with most animal shelters, so that we are usually called if one of our Gentle Giant or Little Giant breeds is turned into a shelter, but mistakes do happen, and it is the innocent life of the animal that is at risk.

"Peachy Pie" a Fawnequin Great Dane (left) says . . .

"As you can see, I am MUCH happier here with my friends at the rescue!
I am thankful that the shelter took the time to call Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions
to make sure that I will soon find a loving family of my own,
and that now I will be safe for life!

CHINA  - ID#A800010

My name is China and I am a spayed female, white and brown Borzoi.

I have been at the shelter since Aug 24, 2004.

This information is 2 hours old

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For more information about this animal, call:
Animal Care and Control Center
Ask for information about animal ID number A800010

A frightened "China" worries about her fate in a shelter

Thank goodness we have wonderful relationships with all the animal shelters.

They called us as soon as "China" arrived, and we took her out on the very day that she was available! 

We all work together to save lives.

Working closely with the shelters allows them room to take in more animals.

Giving us the opportunity to take "China" assures them that she will be safe for life!

Our wonderful daughter makes "China" feels safe and loved
on the very night she arrived here

"China" joins our loving Borzoi who make her feel right at home

"China" fits in with all the other sweet, loving Borzoi

More Of Your Correspondence

Dear Friends of Animals,


This past weekend, the wonderful organization in Norco, Ca.,  Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions, performed something close to a miracle and helped to rescue a starving Great Dane mother and puppy from a house in the desert area near Salton Sea.

A friend called me to say she needed help rescuing these dogs.

So, I first called our local wonderful animal rescuer, Suzie Donaldson, who referred me to Susan Coyle.

Then,  Susan suggested Linda Price who then contacted Tracy Ward at Gentle Giants Rescue.

The mother and pup were rescued the same day by this fine organization's volunteer driver and taken in under the wings of this wonderful organization.

Please check out their excellent website at

The following is my letter to Tracy and her organization . . .

Dear Tracy and Family,

I cannot thank you enough for taking in the Great Dane mother and her puppy this past weekend from their 'home'  in North Shore, Salton Sea, Ca.

It is bringing tears to my eyes as I write you, as you truly, single-handedly turned a horribly abusive (starvation) situation around in one afternoon.

God Bless all of you for all of your fine work.

I have asked my friend who intervened with her daughter and son-in-law and rescued the dogs to . . .

(1) look at your excellent website and know that the mother and pup are in wonderful hands; and

(2) watch for any further situations that might arise with the same family or any other desperate animal situations in that area are known to her . . . and to contact me and I will always be glad to help.

I thank you from the heart of my heart for helping with such swiftness, efficiency and kindness.

I will call you in December after my class finals are over . . . to see how I can help you!

Warm Regards,

Lisa M. Labowskie

Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Rescue: How Innocent Lives Are Saved

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