Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Bullmastiffs - Page 2 of 2
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"Brittany's" Beach Romp:
Hi Burt,
The camera just loves Brittney and she loves the camera too!
You do an awesome job on keeping the website up!
I know it takes a lot of work, but what a great investment in time to know your site is being accessed all over the world, including Iraq!
The picture of the Shar-Pei is just 'Too Cute!'
But, my favorite is still Lucy through the fence!
The best part of the site, is seeing the happiness and content displayed in the dogs faces.
I visit petfinder and pound sites, and you can just see the unhappiness in the dogs faces and poses.
Just breaks the heart!
Good job to you and your family!!
Cindy Loucks

Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Bullmastiffs - Page 2 of 2
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