Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiffs
"Jasmine" is beautiful and glamorous
"Lilly" is adopted and becomes "Pickles"
"Pickles" home video of her adoption!
Don't forget to turn up your sound so that you can hear
To start the video, press the --> start button underneath the movie
To stop the video, press the || pause button underneath the movie
If you don't see the picture, you will need to install the latest Flash plugin,
click below to download

When you download the Flash plugin, save the file to a location you can find,
then 'Run' the saved file to install it
More Happy Adopters!
"Brandy" (right) enjoys her Boxer Brother (left) and new Family
"Brandy" poses with her new Mom
"Hannah" finds a new Family
"Hannah" poses with her new Family
"Sadie" smiles with her tongue hanging out
"Sadie" and "Daphne" (a Neopolitan Mastiff Puppy)
keep their human friends occupied
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiffs
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All such changes, additions, deletions and/or modifications to its website, documentation, requirements and policies may apply retroactively at the discretion of the company.
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