Hello Burt and Tracy!
I hope all has been well with you ALL! "Audrey" is SOOO happy.
We love her soooooo much!
She was a little shy at first, but now she loves going to the dog park (interacting with dogs and their people).
She hangs out at our favorite coffee shop in Malibu (where she gets tons of attention), and, most of all, loves the beach!
Of course, "Audrey" now has her new brother . . . a six month old Dane/Dalmation mix that she absolutely adores and is helping to train!
She was perfectly behaved when we first brought her home, but we started training her anyhow, the basics and some fun tricks.
She picks up on things so quickly.
She learned sit/stay and down/stay in about a day and a 1/2 and to shake hands in about 20 minutes.
She is the biggest sweetheart.
She loves to give big hugs, and LOVES to pose for the camera.
She lets me use her as 'heated pillow' as well.
Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
I've had a lot of inquiries on where we found our beautiful babies.
I always refer them to you and to your website!
Take care.
Brandy Nightingale and Seth Clark
(with "Audrey" "Bouj" and "Manlee" the Chihuahua)

Seth poses with "Audrey" and "Bouj" while
"Manlee" the Chihuahua keeps a watchful eye

"Bouj" chews on his toy while "Audrey" and Brandy snooze

A Giant Mantle (Boston) Dane finds a loving new home
"Winnie" a beautiful Harlequin goes for a ride
Hello Burt and Tracy,
"Winnie" (AKA "Poppy" ) is wonderful!
She is getting along with our dog "Medici."
I think they both needed some time.
Here is a photo of "Winnie."
I will send you some more every time I develop new ones.
Chris and Jeanette Stann

A family of 2 becomes a Family of 5!
(a Brindle, a Fawn, and a Harlequin)