Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - South African Boerboel Mastiffs
"Sasha" the South African Boerboel Mastiff Puppy and
"Prima Donna" the Prima Ballerina Basset Hound,
pose with their new family
Dear Tracy,
We are very grateful and lucky to have found "Sasha" and "Prima."
After spending 6 exciting hours searching for a Great Dane that we can take home, we finally found not just one but two very beautiful, adorable and perfect dogs . . . "Sasha" a 7-month old female South African Boerboel Mastiff . . . and "Prima Donna" the Prima Ballerina, a 10-month old female Basset Hound.
We decided to keep their original names.
Who would want to change the name "Prima Donna" the Prima Ballerina anyway?
Our 440 mile drive home back to Daly City was a breeze!
We were glad we only packed an overnight bag, an extra large dog bed, some dog food, water, a collar and a leash.
This gave us plenty of room for our two family additions.
"Sasha" being the shy type that she is, laid down comfortably in the back, while Prima sat with me and Noelle (our 4-year old daughter).
Remember "Prima" was crying and whining when we left, and Noelle didn't want me to say "no" to her nor tap her on the nose?
Well, after a half hour of nonstop belly rubs and 7 lullabies later, "Prima" calmed down and laid quietly on my lap.
The two are adjusting very well in their new home.
You're right, Tracy, "Prima" loves to wrestle and always makes it a point to bug "Sasha" about it.
At first, "Sasha" ignored her, but the more time they spent together, the more "Sasha" responded positively to "Prima's" calls for attention.
They sleep together and follow us around the house wherever we go.
We are looking forward to raising "Sasha" "Prima" and Noelle together!
We know we are in for so much happiness and love.
With each day that passes, we realize that "Sasha" and "Prima" are truly the perfect addition to our family.
Again, thank you so much, Burt and Tracy, for raising, caring and loving "Sasha" "Prima" and each and every dog that you rescue.
And thank you for a memorable Valentine's Day!
We are
looking forward to our next trip to Norco when we are ready to add another new member to our family. (I still have my eyes on "Honey" your 6 month old fawn Dane, perhaps when she's a bit older, we'll come back for her! )
And don't forget, we are interested in purchasing a copy of your videos.
Please let me know when they become available.
Much love,
Paul, Lara and Noelle

Noelle's New Puppy "Sasha"

"Tank" enjoys his kiddie swimming pool
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - South African Boerboel Mastiffs
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