Providing Love And Care - Special People Helping Special Dogs
Temporary Foster Homes Needed Now!
(call us or email us today to participate in this new special program)
We are currenly seeking qualified Foster Homes only from our previous adopters to foster Gentle Giants and Little Giants that need a little more care and attention before they can be adopted!
If you would be willing to share your home and make these Loving Lap Dogs a part of your family until they are ready to come back to us for adoption into their permanent homes, then please call us today at (951) 273-1330 and leave a message of your interest in fostering, or send an email to adoptions@gentlegiantsrescue.com.
Participants in our Foster Home Program will receive special benefits if they adopt a Gentle Giant or Little Giant that they are fostering for us as a permanent member of their family. |
"Rio" is hoping for a loving home of her own
"Rio" takes singing lessons from her foster Mom, Lori Montgomery
Hi everyone!
My name is "Rio."
I am a beautiful huge Fawn Female English Mastiff.
I am loving, playful and looking for a family to love.
I enjoy going for rides in the car, playing ball, and taking walks around the neighborhood.
Right now, I am staying with my good friend "Zeus" and his family.
But, I would love to have a family all my own.
I have some loss of vision in my eyes, but it doesn't slow me down at all.
If you would like me to be a part of your family, please call and let Tracy know.

"Murphy" and "Madonna" relax on their cushion
Hey Tracy,
"Madonna" is doing VERY well and is so sweet.
I have taught her how to knock at the door to go out and come in.
She really knows her way around.
We really LOVE her.
Janet Witte
Have a great day!!!!

"Madonna" and "Murphy" cuddle together
"Madonna" and "Murphy" take a nap

"Madonna" and "Murphy" and Family
"Madonna" and "Murphy" and Mom

"Rufus" with his new Sister and his new Mom
Hi Tracy,
"Rufus" is doing great. I think he knew the day I told you we decided to keep him, because he became even more endearing.
We love him a lot!
Talk to you soon,
Anna-Marie and her family adopted an English Mastiff named "Sophie" and a Great Pyrenees named "Ava" (who thinks that she is a movie star!). They then fostered a Great Dane named "Rufus," who was in need of a little extra special attention. They have since fallen in love with him and have adopted him. |

Dear Tracy,
I was going to wait for more photos, but they will have to follow, once we are done tiling.
My husband and I haved followed your rescue since about 2001, when we first encountered your website
while looking for great danes.
We basically wanted a big dog that was not aggressive. We had even arranged to go out one weekend
in early 2002, but our car broke down.
One thing or another prevented us from going, so we finally waited until we got our house.
By then, I was in nursing school, and the time just never seemed right.
However, this past April, we decided we were going to see you, no matter what.
At first, the adoption process seemed overwhelming, what with the application, and making the trip from
near the Joshua Tree National Monument to Norco, and we even got lost.
We had planned to be their right at 3:00 p.m. (I even allowed myself time to get lost), but we missed a freeway
exit and ended up almost to Los Angeles before we turned to go back.
We stopped and bought a map in Norco, and my husband was to the point of saying if we didn't find you then,
we were just going to give up.
We arrived around 6:00 p.m., and found several other couples there, with the adoption process well under way.
The dogs were introduced one at a time to all of us at once, a process which we found intriguing and unusual,
to say the least.
We had met several Great Danes, one of whom was "Ricky, the Playboy" whom I fell in love with right away, but we did
not want to pick the first dog we saw.
As you already know, Tracy, while you were taking another dog back, I heard you say, "No, it's not your turn!"
And who should walk out but this beautiful ball of white fur with a badger face, a Great Pyrenees named "Ava" who strolled
right up to us (a Pyr would never move in a hurried or undignified manner) and put her head in my lap.
As you know, I had my reservations about having a long-haired dog here because of the desert heat.
So, of course,
I told my husband I wanted to keep looking.
We were there till after midnight and saw several more beautiful dogs, various Mastiffs, Danes and Irish Wolfhounds,
even a silver Dane puppy.
We finally decided to take "Ava" home.
After all, it's the one that chooses you, correct?
We introduced her to our Merlequin, "Dottie" without incident.
You'd think we would have been satisfied with the one we got, right?
I had also fallen in love with several of the Mastiffs, just had not decided on which one.
So, I hauled myself back the next day (late in the afternoon again, of course), and left with a beautiful Apricot English Mastiff
named "Sophie" who was just 10 days out of the shelter.
She was so thin, we lovingly called her "McRib."
We took both dogs to the vet the following week.
Your vet,
Dr. Smith, got down on their level (the floor) to examine them.
He pronounced them beautiful and healthy, although "Sophie" needed to put on some weight.
Who would have thought that, when she weighed 115 pounds?
"Ava" weighed 90 pounds, by the way.
Tracy told us that they usually come here skinny because of the stress they feel while they are being given up.
Usually owners are forced to give them up because of problems in their own lives, divorce, illness, bankruptcy, etc.
The dogs sense that their owners are stressed and worried and they lose weight before they are given up.
Then, when they get to the rescue, the feel safe and at home with the other dogs and start to gain the weight back.
Tracy explained that it takes about two months to five months for them to fill back out either at the rescue or in their new home.
"Ava" and "Sophie" are pals.
I still had my heart set on "Ricky."
There was just something about the look in his eyes, like he just needed to be loved unconditionally,
but Tracy's vet advised
us that he stay at Gentle Giants until he had gained some weight before he underwent the stress of another move.
But our wires got crossed, so I arrived there the day after my daughter's high school graduation.
I finally got to meet the Herd and got mauled by "Butkis." O Joy of Joys!
Not wanting to leave empty-handed, or in this case, without a handful, I asked if there were any dogs who needed fostering
until "Ricky" was ready.
So we left with a Black Mantled Dane named "Rufus."
(I still think his name should be "Odie" since he prances around with a smile and his ears up in the air)
You know the rest of the story. We fell in love with "Rufus" and decided to keep him.
He is the happiest dog I have ever seen.
Incidentally, he has become my adult daughter's pony, so I was thinking that we should put a ten-gallon hat and a handkerchief
on him and re-title the song, 'Save a Horse, Ride a "Rufus!" (instead of cowboy).'
Unfortunately, there are laws limiting the number of dogs we can have to four, so in order to take "Ricky" we would have had
to give up one of our other dogs.
How do you give up a family member?
I am confident that you will be able to find "Ricky" a good home and will keep him until the right home comes along.
Who knows, maybe this story will help.
We even put porcelain throughout the entire house to accomodate four big dogs and our two guys.
We even have friends who visit to see the dogs as much as they come to visit us.
They are truly Gentle Giants.
Thank you for bringing so many families together with their canine counterparts.
We love them all and cannot imagine our lives without them.
I believe that the care you take to help choose the right dog for each family makes the difference.
We will definitely recommend your rescue to anyone who is looking for additional family members of the four-legged variety.
All the best,
Jack and Anna-Marie
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Fostered Gentle Giants for Adoption - Page 1 of 2
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