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Brutis . . . the Hero Dog!
Dear Tracy,
I tried calling yesterday but I’m able to type slowly today, so I figured I would let you and everyone else know what a hero Brutis was. I am here today and not in a hospital because of him.
Wednesday, July 19th, Brutis and I were out for a 9:30 p.m. stroll down our street since it has been so hot here. Every night we walk down our street or the one below and back. Brutis loves it every night, of course stopping to pee on everything - ha-ha. So, this night the two of us were walking back down the street and passed a house with their garage door open and a dog (pit/lab we are told) who was barking at us through the garage screen door. Then I saw it all coming, the dog went THROUGH the screen door charging straight at me, jumped up knocking me flat on my back landing on my elbows and whipping back. BUT before the dog could even touch me Brutis the hero swept him off me like it was a feather.
I was screaming for help as I was on the ground arms bleeding from the street. Brutis the gentle giant should have killed this dog, but it just must not be his nature. He kept himself between me and the dog and every time the dog went after Brutis, Brutis would continually push him off. I was screaming for the owner to get their dog, who had no collar on. They seemed scared of their own dog. A lot of it is a blur since I was so scared. One neighbor said Brutis eventually got sick of pushing the dog off of himself and he gave him one hard push, (well the neighbor said "head butt") and the dog stopped, and that is when the owner grabbed the dog. At this time, I was still on the ground and Brutis came over to me, stood over me to protect me, his face to mine looking at me with the most loving eyes and when I was ready pulled myself up by him!
While we all discussed what had happened and I tried to speak with the uncaring neighbor, Brutis stood with a friendly neighbor next to me, then eventually laid down watching me patiently and waited to go home. On the way home Brutis walked slowly by my side helping me every step of the way.
What seemed like 5 minutes was probably just seconds, but thanks to Brutis, not only does he not have a scrap on him, nor does the other dog , during the whole thing I did not get bit once and everyone calls him "Brutis the Hero!!"
That night I went the ER and had severely bruised my back, which today a week later is black and blue. I fractured my elbow and have road rash on both elbows and torn or sprained my rotator cuff in my shoulder. I will have 6 weeks of physical therapy 3 times a week and I have a doctor appointment today for my back. I can only imagine if Brutis wasn’t there where I would be.
I will attach some photos of how Brutie looks now . . . I cant believe it has been a year since we rescued him! He is 5 1/2 now. In the year we have been all over - to the beach which he loves and pretty much the only time I realize he does in fact know how to run and pretty fast too ha-ha. We go to the dog park, we go for walks we play in pools and sprinklers a big favorite. He is our baby . . . Oh and a few months after we got Brutis, we got him a little sister. She is about a year and half and she too is rescued. I will send a photo of the both of them. They play and wrestle so rough we all steer clear. They are hilarious to watch run up and down the hall , on the bed and back, just to do it all over again before jumping in bed together - a perfect match. She is a boxer American bulldog.
hope all is well and I’m sure we will be your way in the years to come. We will always have at least one gentle giant in this house!
Stacy, Blake , Brutis the hero and Brandi
P.S. I will send photos in the next email.
Gentle Giant Super Heroes
to the Rescue

"Athena" Stood Ready to Protect My Daughter's Life!
Dear Tracy and Burt,
Where to begin?
The best place to start is to simply and sincerely say "Thank You."
We know we have been calling you and asking you questions on almost a daily basis.
Thank you for all your help. And thank you for your patience and understanding.
Without your help, we know we would have been even more stressed out that what we were.
I would like to tell you about how wonderful these creatures are.
Not too long ago, we were all in the kitchen - we had just finished dinner.
I was clearing off the table,
and Carol was washing the dishes.
My little girl, Alexandra, was coloring at the table. My son, Ian, was already in bed and asleep.
"Athena" the Great Dane we adopted, was lying on the floor.
We left the kitchen door open, so we could hear the rain that had started to come down.
Soon after, a flash of lightning brightened the sky, and two seconds later, thunder struck!
Before the rumble was over, "Athena" got up and placed herself between Alexandra and the door.
"Athena" barked twice and her sight did not break from the door.
Even when we calmed "Athena," she still
laid in front of the door.
I was so pleased at "Athena's" actions.
She sensed something was a danger to my little girl, and within a second, she was ready to protect one
of the greatest joys of my life.
I know we adopted "Athena" as a family companion, but I know my family is safe when I cannot be there myself.
Raul and Carol
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