Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Neapolitan Mastiffs - Page 3 of 3
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"Monty" a Blue Merle Great Dane and
"Maggie" a Champagne Tawny Neopolitan Mastiff

"Maggie" displays her muscular body
Hi Tracy:
It's now been 7 1/2 months since we adopted our "babies" and they are as crazy as ever.
Our Dane, "Winston" (formerly known as "Pluto") is an excellent watch dog, investigating noises and barreling through the "doggie door" letting everyone know this is his house.
But, as most Danes are, he is is very loving and a big baby.
He does the Dane lean and sometimes will pin you against the wall just wanting to be loved.
Surprisingly, though, he is not a couch potato.
That distinction belongs to his sister, "Maggie" (formerly known as "Sacha"), the Neopolitan Mastiff that we also adopted from you.
You have also never heard snoring until you have a Neopolitan Mastiff.
Sometimes I lay in bed trying to stifle a laugh because it sounds like there is a helicopter hovering directly overhead.
Both of these dogs love to sleep.
They each have their own doggie mattresses and sleep on them every night in our bedroom, along with our two cats.
These two sure fill up a house, but in a good way.
Attached are photos of "Winston" and "Maggie" that were taken at a picnic and with their new little kitty brother, "Monty."
They let "Monty" crawl all over them, hit them on top of their heads, and chase their tails.
Not once have they tried to harm him, and when they can't take it any more, they will give a soft growl or just get up and move.
They are truly Gentle Giants.
Thank you for allowing us to make them a part of our family.
Patrick and Erika
"Winston" (Great Dane) naps while baby kitty
"Monty" keeps him company

"Monty" enjoys the picnic and especially the barbecue
"Monty" and "Maggie" adore 'their' kids

Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Neapolitan Mastiffs - Page 3 of 3
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