Neopolitan Mastiffs - Page 1 of 3
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A very happy baby with its Gentle Giant 'babysitter'

These parents never have to worry
anyone messing with their kid!
I am a big fan of your website and dogs.
I always check to see the happy stories that you post.
I had this emailed to me and thought that you would get a big smile from this one.
Thanks for the work that you do.
"Elvis" had a foster family

"Elvis" is a fun loving blue Neopolitan Mastiff who
is looking for his forever home - will it be yours?
"Elvis" now has his own permanent family
"Elvis" has a new home!
This wonderful family adopted "Harley" the Saint Bernard,
and they are now fostering "Elvis" a HUGE Neopolitan Mastiff who loves everyone
and "Sunny" a very small Sheltie who is as cute and sweet as his name
suggests. Both "Elvis" and "Sunny" are looking for the best homes on earth. |
"Carmello" a Tawny Neopolitan Mastiff puppy
Rare Two Headed Neopolitan Mastiff puppy?
(Nope . . . it just looks that way)
Neopolitan Mastiff puppy and Mom
Dear Tracy:
Has "Winslow" been adopted yet?
And if he has, do you have any other purebred Newfs right now?
"Ripley" is doing great.
She and "Anthony" my Saint Bernard, sleep upside down right next to each other on their dog beds.
And when I wake up in the morning, they are both
upside down right next to each other snoring away!
She has grown so much now that you can barely lift her . . .
She is sooo solid . . .
Here is a picture of her and Zane in bed on a
Sunday morning.
She is a doll baby!
We love her!
Neo pup "Ripley" takes up a lot of space in Zane's bed

Playful Neo puppies have terrific personalities

Neopolitan puppies love to explore

Neopolitan pups love to run
* * * * *
We just received this photo and information
We find this hard to believe, too!
Dear Burt and Tracy:
I just had to share this. Check out the picture!
Hercules: The World's Biggest Dog Ever According to Guinness World Records
"Hercules" was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. "Hercules" is an Neopolitan Mastiff who has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.
With "paws the size of softballs" (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200 lb. limit. "Hercules" owner, Mr. Flynn, says that "Hercules" weight is natural and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just "grew"... and grew… and grew… and grew."
"Kell" slightly smaller, but the World's Heaviest Dog - "Hercules'" sheer volume may have won him the Largest Dog world record, but the Heaviest Dog title still rests with "Kell" who weighed in at 286 pounds in August of 1999. This English Mastiff, however, only has a 32-inch neck - far less than Hercules' 38-incher. Think about that for a second though - 32 inches is a standard waist size for a man!
Proud owner Tom Scott said "Kell" is two years old and is expected to continue to grow for the next two years. "Kell" needs to be fed 100 lb. of beef every week, and drinks gallons of goats' milk to stay healthy.
Do you think this is REAL???? You're the expert in that arena. I can't see how it would be possible!