Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Saint Bernards - Page 3 of 3
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"Hagar" is a lovable giant 12 month old Saint Bernard Puppy
Dear Burt, Tracy and Melody,
Hello from our house to yours!!!!!!!!!
This letter is long overdue, but wanted to spend some time writing it.
First off, how can I thank you for adding to our family?
There are no words to express my gratitude!
I adopted "Hagar" aka "Cream Puff" from you on Jan 2nd.
Last summer I had filled out an application to adopt and was accepted.
However, I just didn't think it was the right time.
At Thanksgiving time, I had lost my 9 year old Saint due to heart problems.
I also have a Pit Bull, so I wasn't without a dog, but I was without a Saint.
When I couldn't bare it any longer, I called Burt made arrangements and came to your wonderful rescue home.
I was there with 2 other families who were looking at Great Danes.
Tracy, you had brought out Saint by Saint and not one even wanted to know who I was!!! They went to the other families.
After a few hours, I thought 'Okay, I'm not ready yet.'
I thought that maybe I was being too picky.
Then, you brought out 12 month old "Cream Puff" who walked right over to me put his head on my lap and looked me.
I started crying, and said, "Okay, he's mine!" and the rest is history!!!!

"Hagar" and "Bricks" a playful Pit Bull
play an endless game of 'tug-of-war'
I named him "Hagar" after Sammy Hagar of Van Halen, my favorite musician.
He knew his name in no time.
I think he wasn't proud of "Cream Puff."
He now has a more regal name and struts around with it with pride!!!!
I am a member of the Sammy Hagar fan club and even got a letter from Sammy honored that I had named the dog after him!!!!!
Now, that was a thrill I can't even express.
"Hagar" came home, met my Pit Bull "Bricks" and is now part of the family!!!!!!!
I also do rescue work, and you never know who will be living with us. I foster a lot of dogs.
He welcomes them with 'open paws' and shows them the ropes . . . like it's fine to sleep on the bed or the couch!!!!

"Hagar" cuddles and 'laps' up as much attention as he can get
My 15 year old nephew spends a lot of time with us, and the dogs just adore him as you can see in the photos.
"Hagar" is undergoing 'pet therapy' training and is doing fantastic!!!!!!!!!
Right now, we have a year old Doberman that is living with us, so we have a 'house of puppies.'
"Hagar" is now 13 months. "Bricks" is 16 months, and "Cassie" is 12 months.
Oh, and the fun they have!
"Hagar" and "Bricks" are showing her the ropes.
Even though I can't imagine anyone giving up this sweet, sweet boy, I am thankful everyday that they have.
He has filled my heart and soul with so much, and "Bricks" is very happy to have a Saint friend again.
He seems to prefer the giant breeds himself.
Actually, I think they want another giant breed friend, so I think soon we will have to make another trip down to see and to get one more!!!!
I am buying a bigger house with more land, so everyone will be comfortable.
Hope you enjoy the photos, and I will send more soon.
Maggie and Kory, "Bricks" "Hagar" and the rest of the crew.
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Saint Bernards - Page 3 of 3
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