Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Your Emails, Your Letters, and Your Photos - Page 3 of 3
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More Of Your Emails, More Of Your Letters, and More Of Your Photos
I would love to tell you that I'm thanking you for my new dog, but the fact is that I don't have one yet.
So, I'm thanking you for your WONDERFUL website!!
I've never seen anything like it at all, and I'm just loving every page that I click on!!
Each photo, each dog, brings a smile to my face and an ache to my heart . . .
Your website is amazing, your dogs are gorgeous (and obviously well-loved), and the work you do is absolutely wonderful.
You are Angels!
I would LOVE to see your dogs!
Keep up the good work, and God bless you all.
Cindy and Woody Decker
Hey Burt and Tracy,
Well, "Biggs" (formerly "Halo") is well adjusted to her new home.
She is doing so well!
I am so glad we have her here with us.
And after seeing all the dogs that we saw that day, and seeing everyone leave with their new dog,
I'm glad that we were not hasty to make a decision and that we stayed so late that night to find her.
She is so wonderful with Sophia and so kind to share her bed!
Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure.
Hope everything is well down there, and I am now working on a 5 acre ranch myself, so that I can come and adopt more Danes from you!!!
Best regards,
Bonnie Porter
Hi Tracy and Burt,
It has been a few months since we adopted "Biggs," she is the most wonderful dog ever!
She is so gentle with my daughter and is so kind to share her bed!
We love her so much!
Thank you for providing such a wonderful place for these dogs to be adopted from.
They truly deserve it.
Well, after seeing your website and speaking in depth with Burt, I knew you were the right people to adopt from.
I knew that everyone was going to call me crazy for driving 7 hours to Norco to adopt a dog, but there just isn't anybody
who offers what you offer.
So, I packed our bags and took my husband, my 13 month old daughter, and our lab "Little" on down the road.
When we woke up Saturday morning, I was so excited to know that, by the end of the day, we would have a new baby in the family!
When we arrived and began meeting your dogs, my husband turned to me and said "These aren't dogs. These are horses!
I don't think we can fit one of these into our house!"
After looking at so many beautiful dogs, and loving them all, we were still undecided.
Everyone had picked out their new dogs, and had already gone home.
It was getting very late, my daughter was very tired, and so were we.
We stayed so late that you had to let all the dogs out to potty for a moment before we could continue the adoption.
So, after a bunch of the dogs ran out, and then went back inside, I remember asking you if you had any other Harlequin Danes
with natural ears that were good with children.
Then, you said "You know, if I hadn't let all the dogs out, I wouldn't have even thought of her, but . . . " and then we met "Halo"
whom we now call "Biggs."
She is such a wonderful dog!
We are so happy to have her in our home.
My husband was apprehensive about getting another dog, but he absolutely loves "Biggs."
She sleeps by our bed and loves to lay her big head across me, so that Sophia (my daughter) can play with her face.
She is so gentle and mellow.
She is exactly what I was looking for, and I know now that we were meant to be a family!
Thank you for all of your help finding her.
We love her dearly and will take care of her for the rest of her life with great pleasure.
You guys are the best!
Bonnie, Rich, Sophia, Big ("Biggs") and "Little" Porter

Hi Tracy and Burt,
Just to let you know we arrived home around two o' clock in the morning.
Tyler, whom we have renamed "Heidi" was extremely good in the truck.
She slept most of the way, and when we stopped for a potty break, she walked very nicely on the leash.
On our arrival home, we took her briefly around the house area, and then brought our other old dog out to meet her.
They bonded immediately, and so far today, we have been walking all around the property so that "Heidi" can get to know
the boundaries of her new home.
They walk side by side, and if one stops to investigate, the other does the same.
We are seeing lots of wagging tails. Definitely a very good choice.
"Heidi" has met all the other animals and has been very kind and gracious.
All of them are very interested in the 'new gal.'
I will send you pictures as soon as I download some of them.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy such a lovely dog.
Jill Beebe

Dear Tracy and Burt,
I think I am going to like it here.
This is my first day and I have found another Dane friend.
He is old, but knows his way around this place, so I am sticking close.
He is very friendly and shows me what to do.
We went for a walk on the property. There are ten acres and I can go on every inch of it if I want.
My new human friend, Jill took me all over the property this morning.
We went over to the neighbors fence to check out their dogs, and they all seem to like me.
Then, we walked way down to the bottom of the property to check out the arena where she drives her ponies then I went to the barn.
They all seemed to like me there too.
My new human friend, Jill, even let me come into the stalls while she cleaning, and I actually met with the ponies that live there.
Lots of good smells down there.
Thank you for taking such good care of me while I stayed with you both.
Oh yes, before I forget, my new human friend Jill changed my name from "Tyler" to "Heidi" and I have learned to come when she calls.
Yes, I think I am going to like it here.

"Merlin" watches intently
Hi Tracy,
I thought I would send you some pictures that I have been meaning to send you.
We adopted "Merlin" (formerly known as "Superman") and "Oz" (formerly known as "Wild Cat") both born on February 4, 2001.
They are both doing so well and continue to bring me hours and hours of joy.
I cannot imagine my life without these two wonderful boys in my life.
They are about 35" in height.
"Merlin" weighs about 140 lbs and "Oz" is a little bigger weighing about 155 lbs (the last time we weighed!)
"Oz" tends to enjoy his food and loves the sound of the peanut butter jar opening.
Yes, he actually knows the sound!!
Hope you and all the dogs are well!!
I am even thinking of getting another two - can you believe it???
We are going on holiday at the end of the year, but upon our return, I think we will take a drive up and see what little bundles of joy you have.
I want two more puppies, and wouldn't mind either girls or boys!
Debra and David Bond
San Diego

"Oz" and "Merlin" pay close attention

"Is it time for lunch?" wonder "Oz" and "Merlin"

"Oz" and "Merlin" on duty
Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Your Emails, Your Letters, and Your Photos - Page 3 of 3
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